Tip of the Day
29 March 2025

Never reply to lottery e-mails
- Most of us might have received e-mail like you won lotteryIf you get such e-mails without your intervention, then they are all scam They try to send such e-mails to collect your personal informaionSo always ignore them
Tip of the week
24 March 2025‐30 March 2025

Remember to track and unsubscribe unwanted online services which have auto renewals enabled
Be cautious about subscription services while creating e-mails or registering with any web sites Many of the e-mail providers or web sites offer subscription services for their related products or services Until and unless you have a good business reason avoid subscribing to them Otherwise your mail box may fill up with mails or spam which are irrelevant to you Also read the End User License Agreement before registering with any site
Tip of the month
March 2025

Ensure to shred sensitive documents immediately after use
Shred or secure all documents in a safe place that contain important personal information, such as bank statements, credit card statements, pre-approved credit card offers and pay stubs