• Never give away your personal information into the blogging sites
  • Put reliable information as it reaches entire world and assume what you publish on the web is permanent.
  • Avoid competition with other bloggers.
  • State  the  terms  of  use,  copy  right  in  blog  properly  to  viewers  to protect your blogs.
  • Guide them with  other positive examples  such as the  children are posting their related information.
  • Post anonymously: Manage your blog anonymously or adopt an alias for all online posting. This will help protect you in the event that you draw unwanted attention
  • Avoid personal or identifying details: Avoid any personal or identifying details when posting in your blog. Do not post in advance about locations that you will be or about areas that you live near
  • No photos: Refrain from posting a picture. Photos can invite trouble or unwanted attention.
  • Avoid inappropriate dialogue: Be careful not to engage in dialogue that could be interpreted in a way that it was not intended. Sometimes humorous threads can get out of hand. If the dialogue degrades to an area that makes you uncomfortable, disengage from the dialogue and refrain from further posting. Also when making decisions about individuals online, consider their past posting behaviour and attempt to consider their true intentions
  • Always remember that just because you do not have a dialogue with someone does not mean that they are not reading everything that you write. Many people merely lurk on line and don't engage in comment posting, but do read what is written. Your audience could be much larger than you realize
  • Timeless: Internet content is timeless, and keep in mind that even if you remove content, it might be archived or syndicated. If you do not want something read, do not post it to the Internet. High Schools, Colleges and Employers all search the Internet to discern an individual’s history. Sordid details about a late night will not help land a coveted job
  • The internet is a haven for all types of predators. Always remember that just because someone says something is true, does not mean that it is. Predators adopt personas of who they think you want them to be. Just as we provide guidelines to young children, adults should be wary and take precautions when posting online as well
  • While blogging can be a great outlet and channel, and in some way immortalizing thoughts, it is important that safety is considered and that good blogging practices are followed at all times.

Guidance for Parents on Blogging

  • Establish Rules for online use with children.
  • Monitor what your children plan to post before they post it.
  • Evaluate Blogging Service and their features like a password protected secured blogs etc.
  • Review your children blogs regularly
  • Guide  them  with  other  positive  example  such  as  reference  to  the students who are posting their related information.
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