Children are more vulnerable to crime. Almost 54% of children are victims of some kind of abuse and in majority of cases accused are known persons taking advantage of innocence of children or putting them under fear.

Children are victims of

  • Child sexual abuse
  • Child pornography
  • Child trafficking for begging, sex trafficking, circus, camel jockeying, child labor or forced labor, domestic servitude
  • Child marriage
  • Kidnapping of children for ransom
  • On line harassment like cyber bullying

Majors to be taken

Advocacy or awareness by Parents & teachers on good touch, bad touch and generating confidence in the minds of children to report any abuse to patents

Strict law enforcement

1. Almost all laws are child friendly and stringent punishment is there for offences under acts like

  • Protection of Children from Sexual offences act 2012- Gender neutral act as applicable to victim girls and boys, penetrative and non-penetrative sexual assault defined clearly, 6 months’ imprisonment for disclosure of Identity of victims, in camera trial in court, special courts gore trial, statement of victims to be recorded by Women Police officer at place of residence of Child or convenience, compensation to child victim from assets of accused provision is there.
  • Child Trafficking - punishment under 370 A IPC minimum 7 yrs. to remainder of natural life of accused, under Immoral Traffic Prevention Act 1986
  • Child Pornography, cyber bullying Information Technology Act section 66, 67
  • Child marriages- Child marriages Prohibition Act 2006 up to 2 years’ imprisonment & 1lakh Rs. Fine
  • Child labor- punishment under 370 A IPC if trafficking is there for forced or child labor, Child labor prevention act 1986, Juvenile Justice amendment act 2015 section 79, 374 IPC unlawful compulsory labor

2. Rescued children are children in need of care and protection to be sent to Children home. Below 14 years’ child out of school to be in school (RTE) Supreme court order under Article 21 Right to life.

3. Prevention, Protection, Prosecution this 3 pronged strategies to be adopted. Prevention of children from becoming victims, protection to rescued children & prosecution of offenders.

4.Child Sex Offenders Registry to be maintained like Kerala state

5. On line harassment of children to be prevented by teaching Internet etiquette to children like no chatting with unknown people, not to meet unknown net friends without permission of parents, not to post private photos & videos online, not to reveal personal information like password on line, not to accept request of unknown friends on social media.

6. Emergency contact numbers to be informed to children. Like Dial 100 Police, 1098 Child help line.

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