A web blog is a web site that consists of a series of entries arranged in reverse chronological order, often updated frequently with new information about particular topics. The information can be written by the site owner, gathered from other web sites, other sources, or contributed by users. A web blog  may consist of the recorded ideas of an individual (a sort of diary).

Points to observe :

  • Put reliable information as it reaches entire world and assume what you publish on the web is permanent.
  • Avoid competition with other bloggers.
  • State the terms of use, copyright in blog properly to viewers to protect your blogs.
  • Manage your blog anonymously or adopt an alias for all online posting. This will help protect you in the event that you draw unwanted attention.
  • Your audience could be much larger than you realize.
  • Evaluate blogging service and their features like a password protected secured blogs etc. of your children.

Points to avoid :

  • Don’t give away your personal information into the blogging sites.
  • Don’t use photos: refrain from posting a picture. Photos can invite trouble or unwanted attention.
  • Don’t use inappropriate dialogue: be careful not to engage in dialogue that could be interpreted in a way that it was not intended.
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