As information infrastructure and internet became more complex and larger, it also became critical to maintain systems up and running all the time with respect to security. Though the system administration tasks became easier in recent years, system administrators need to be more updated on the systems and network security they are managing. In recent years, all systems are exposed to internet; there is increased challenge on System Administration/Network Administration for maintaining and protecting from the attackers.

System Administrators are primarily responsible for keeping systems/computers/network devices to work smoothly and securely in any organization. Further they are also responsible for the continuous operations of the networks and computers to the end users for their business needs. It is very important to the System Administrators to keep the information as much securing the system and network devices in the organization.

By following simple practices/standards during their administrative functions, they can maintain the security of IT devices. The practices for security also help in reporting security incidents at an early stage and take corrective measures so that they can safe guard the business. 

If the System Administrators are more cautious and follow good practices during routine administrative tasks it would be easy to maintain and secure IT systems and networks in the organization. The system admin should have their own policy as per the organization policy:

  • Maintain system intact as per the organization policy.
  • Give seamless support to the end users.
  • Every organization must have an overall policy that establishes the direction of the organization and its security mission as well as roles and responsibilities.
  • There can also be system specific rules to address the policies for individual systems, network and application security.
  • These policies should be included in the employee handbook and uploaded on a company intranet site.

Before keeping the system and network devices in the work place or in the existing network, it is very important to follow some of the best system/network practices:

  • Harden the operating system before keeping into the network.
  • Harden the integrated OS and its application’s installed.
  • Have all the network architecture in one place.
  • Harden the network by using the vulnerability assessment process for any open ports and any vulnerable applications.
  • Harden the servers by running least services which is actually required.
  • Always have an knowledge update on the security loopholes of the systems and networks.
  • Always provide the physical security to the internetworking devices attached to the network.
  • Always document the systems/networks configurations and whenever any changes happen.
  • Monitor your systems periodically by downloading the system/network logs
  • System Administrator and Network Admin need to educate users and help-desk personnel about basic security issues and practices to follow


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